Yarn Help! Gets a Doctor Who Scarf Page.

Neon lights saying Down the Rabbit Hole on a black background. All the words are in pink neon, except the is in yellow neon

Over the weekend I expanded my Yarn Help! website https://yarnhelp.app to include calculations for the number of balls of yarn needed for scarfs, cat mats, and baby blankets. I also added a Doctor Who Scarf page.

This page currently calculates the total number of balls needed to make a Season 12 Doctor Who scarf.
In the coming weeks, I'll add:

  • Separate calculators for the number of balls of each colour needed
  • A beta version of my knitting pattern generator. This will print the pattern to the UI in plain English (and eventually French).

Thanks to Marco Campos Kieran Huggins and Jen Chan for help with debugging this weekend! TorontoJS people are awesome!

I'd love to hear thoughts and comments!


Site: https://yarnhelp.app
GitHub: https://github.com/GingerKiwi/yarnhelp

The Yarn Gift Helper] is designed to help non-knitters quickly figure out how much yarn to buy for their family members and friends who are knitters - without spending hours learning about yarn. This current edition is just for medium thickness (Craft Yarn Council #4) worsted/10ply/9wpi yarn.

With now almost 250,000 different yarns in the world*, many different thicknesses ("weights"), and yarn brands having different lengths of yarn in each ball/skein, it definitely can be confusing.

Currently, as of March 2023, development is focusing on a mobile friendly version of the "How Much Yarn page" followed by a responsive design of the entire site for larger screen sizes. The UI is being kept very basic while I concentrate on building out the javascript functionality. It's way too easy for me to spend days down the UI design and css rabbit hole! I'll also be collaborating with a friend Marco Campos who's a senior dev to create a progressive web app version (pwa) of The Yarn Gift Helper page so people can install it on their phones and use it offline. (Some yarn shops have basements with spotty cell reception!). Marco Campos is awesome (he also knits!).

It will eventually be hooked up to the Ravelry.com api so users can search for yarn info on their database. I'm debating on doing more backend with users and logins - but one step at a time!

Photo Credit

Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dr_Who_%28316350537%29.jpg